Our Pricing & Rates

502ads Digital Marketing Pricing

SEO Service Cost
Website Analysis Free
SEO Monitoring Starting at $40 Monthly
SEO Campaigns Based on Scope

Local SEO Rates & Cost

While many SEO agencies offer monitoring for business web sites at hundreds of dollars a month, it prices out many local business sites, whose online marketing efforts often consist of three-to-five pages, sometimes as few as one page. 502ads has proven that it can rank basic sites, and we also have experience helping improve where larger sites end up in SERPs (search engine ranking positions). We can scope your situation at no cost. Simply get in touch.

Google Ads Management Cost

We protect your online marketing budget and maximize your return on investment. For a marginal fee, which can be classified as a business tax deduction as an advertising expense, we work to ensure your ads are engaging as possible, getting you quality clicks and views, while also working to keep the costs of those interactions and conversions as economical as possible. Call or email us to learn how we can stretch and strengthen your PPC budget.

*Additional management fees apply for creation of campaigns and for managing multiple campaigns

Google Ads Spend Monthly Rate
Up to $1,000 $85-$175
Up to $3,000 $175-$350
Up to $5,000 $350-$515
$5,000+ Call or Email

Let Us Know How We Can Help You

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